Not even a week? Seriously?

I find it quite amazing that I have not had by blog even a week yet. In addition I really wonder why this step (starting a blog) was so daunting to me. I am very comfortable with computers and was a Facebook addict for over a year. I really think I DID eat, sleep and breathe Facebook and the games I played. I think if I had not decided to stop or at least slow it down that my marriage would have been at risk. Seriously, he was so relieved when I finally quit all together.

My fear of blogging and starting a blog can only be compared to my complete and utter fear of the computer itself while in College. I was TERRIFIED to use the computer lab at school. I was shamed into it eventually by my Comp teacher who asked me in front of the class why my paper had grammar and spelling errors and I told her that it was because my typewriter didn’t have spell check.

At this time I was still of the belief that pushing the wrong button could equal a meltdown or complete crash of the computer. As time went by I not only became comfortable with computers, but became a software guru of sorts especially after a 27 hour, 8 tech specialists phone call with a well-known computer company’s support.

I am now at the point that I repair my parent’s computer remotely from my house and help them with any computer type purchases they need to make. My husband is very adept at the inside and guts of computers which is an area that I am not comfortable with. Therefore he does any of the inside stuff needed and I am the software wiz. This wasn’t how I thought my life would be, but who can ever really predict their lives?

I will have to write more on this another time because my husband has decided to switch the living room around and the cat is close to death as he chews on my Monster High girls hair! How a cat that can be around me 24/7 and ignore me completely become Mr. Lovable the minute either of us gets on a computer is beyond me. I will have to address this on my Zoo blog when I have it and see what people think and if it is a common feline thing or if I just have a PITA?

